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Minimally Invasive Palatal Stiffening (MIPS)

Only Available At Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists

If you’ve been diagnosed with OSA caused by a soft palate or overextended uvula and have experienced limited success using the CPAP machine, then Dr. Mandel’s Minimally Invasive Palatal Stiffening (MIPS) procedure can be custom-tailored just for you. Using breakthrough diode laser technology, Dr. Mandel created a technique to effectively treat breathing and snoring problems caused by narrowed airways while significantly diminishing the risk of postoperative discomfort.

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Are You Experiencing:

  • Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
  • Non-Restorative Sleep (Waking Up Tired)
  • Breathing Through The Mouth
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Hyperactivity or Irritability
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Memory Loss
  • Bedwetting or Excessive Urination At Night
  • Fatigue
  • Dry Mouth
  • Headache
  • Sore Throat
  • Teeth Grinding


Dr. Mandel’s Minimally Invasive Palatial Stiffening (MIPS) procedure is performed in-office under IV sedation in approximately 3 minutes as a stand-alone procedure, or 15-20 minutes when combined with a nasal procedure. Using a precision diode laser, Dr. Mandel penetrates the palatal surface of the uvula and soft palate to correct the area of obstruction. This surgery is designed to stiffen your soft palate and minimize breathing vibrations that cause blockages of your airways.

Dr. Lee M. Mandel on "The Doctors"

September 21, 2021

Start Feeling Better Today!

Patients treated with Dr. Mandel’s MIPS procedure experience improved sleeping in just one week. The surgery takes approximately 3 minutes and patients can typically recover and return to work within 24 hours. Aside from a sore throat that lasts roughly a week, patients experience minimal postoperative discomfort and report that their breathing and quality of sleep continue to dramatically improve weeks later.

Book an appointment online!