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How to Get Lasting Sinus Headache Relief

If you’ve ever experienced a sinus headache, then you are fully aware of the pain, frustration, and distraction that they can cause. Although they are often confused with migraines due to similar symptoms, sinus headaches stem from different causes. For many, chronic battles with sinus headaches can sometimes feel like the end of the world and bring about a deep sense of despair. At Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists, we’re here to tell you there’s hope! Sinus headaches are both treatable and preventable. This article will define the phenomenon known as a sinus headache and offer some effective treatments against this ailment.

sinus headacheDangers of Treating Sinus Headaches with OTC Drugs

Sinus headaches induce a variety of nasty symptoms, including abnormal mucus buildup, nasal swelling, sinus pressure, and face pain. Most people experiencing these symptoms are likely to go to the pharmacy and purchase over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as nasal decongestants and sprays, for quick relief. However, this reprieve is almost always temporary, and the headaches will likely return, potentially even worse. Moreover, extended use of OTC sprays can cause permanent damage to the nasal cavity and membrane.

More powerful alternatives, such as prescription medications, carry scary price tags and generate bodily tolerances that eventually require reliance on higher dosages and extended use for sinus relief. Lastly, OTC or prescription solutions encourage patients to delay long-term treatments, meaning they may have to undergo more intensive procedures in the future that are more expensive and less effective at providing extended relief.

Consider a Procedure with Dr. Lee Mandel

A simple and minimally invasive sinus procedure with Dr. Lee Mandel at the onset of sinus headache symptoms can help avoid all of this. Dr. Mandel prefers the utilization of Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) for sinus headaches. This procedure involves placing the patient under IV sedation, meaning the patient will be asleep for the entire process. Dr. Mandel uses an endoscope to inspect the nasal tissue and surrounding areas. Dr. Mandel carefully corrects any causes of nasal blockage, irritation, and swelling by expanding a balloon catheter inside of your inflamed sinus opening. This method reshapes the nasal passageways and allows routine nasal irrigation to resume. After Dr. Mandel pulls the balloon catheter out of the sinus opening, he flushes the space with a saline rinse, which drains any excess fluid.

sinus pressure headacheDr. Mandel’s modified procedures occur in a Level III state-certified procedure room, and they can take as little as 15 minutes. While patients may need a day’s rest for recovery, most people can resume daily tasks and activities within 24 hours. Best of all, you can expect dramatically reduced sinus infection and sinus pressure headaches, as well as any associated symptoms. Studies show that balloon sinuplasty and similar procedures have a phenomenal success rate in participants.

Fix Your Sinuses Today

Are you suffering from constant sinus headaches? Don’t reach for that OTC solution again. Instead, contact Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists and enlist the assistance of internationally renowned otolaryngologist Dr. Lee Mandel to help you determine the best long-term treatment plans for your ailments. Call us at (954) 983-1211 to request an appointment and start living a life not dominated by sinus headaches.