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Why Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy is a Game Changer for Sinus Health

For over nearly 100 years, various immunotherapy treatments have been used in clinical settings to combat allergies. Such treatments have come in the form of allergy injections, formulated drops, and tablets. However, Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy (OMIT) has recently taken front and center stage for sinus and allergy management. Today, at Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists, we’ll delve into the history of the treatment, as well as the benefits it has for prospective patients.

What Is Allergy Immunotherapy?

Before we explain OMIT any further, let’s give some context. In essence, allergy immunotherapy if a form of treatment in which small amounts of purified, allergens are introduced to the body in a controlled way. The idea of immunotherapy is to fundamentally change how the body responds to allergens over the course of therapy. It is the only disease-modifying approach to allergy treatment and is designed to be preventative rather than just alleviatory.

omit sinus therapy

While symptom reduction usually occurs within a few months of consistent treatment, patients are more likely to obtain a persistent reduction of allergy symptoms when immunotherapeutic treatment continues for three to five years.

Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy

OMIT treats allergic rhinitis via a specialized toothpaste. The toothpaste base is specially formulated to incorporate and stabilize immunotherapeutic agents. Purified immunotherapeutic agents, customized based upon what you are allergic to, are added to the base during the mixing process.

The final toothpaste will be available by prescription from a physician. It is used by the patient as part of an everyday brushing routine. This method is especially effective since the mucous membranes in the mouth contain the highest amount of Langerhans cells anywhere in the body. These cells regulate the immune system by processing and delivering antigens to other cells in your body. 

OMIT is particularly desirable because it is far less invasive than more traditional forms of immunotherapy. What’s more, many patients attest to having an easier time completing an OMIT treatment because it involves the daily activity of brushing your teeth. In fact, a study done in 2016 found that participants were almost 20 percent more likely to complete OMIT than traditional forms of immunotherapy. 

It is important to note that those suffering from sinus issues not exclusively caused by allergic rhinitis will not fully benefit from an OMIT treatment. Certain individuals have sinus issues caused solely by an anatomical obstruction, which OMIT will not fix. The only obstruction that OMIT can fix is obstruction caused by inflammation due to allergic rhinitis. 

what is oral mucosal immunotherapy

With this in mind, at Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists, Dr. Mandel employs oral mucosal immunotherapy in conjunction with a variety of minimally invasive nasal and oral procedures to ensure the best possible outcome every time.

Get The Relief You Deserve at Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists

With a team of leading experts in the field, Dr. Lee Mandel has developed and employed highly effective and novel treatments, such as Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy, that have helped thousands of patients Want the best allergy solutions in South Florida? Call (954) 983-1211 today or request an appointment online!